This approach is for the pilots who have the previous FAA flight training experience and looking for the possibility to continue their aviation education, develop their pilot skills and add a new profession of Certified Flight Instructor. Our school can offer you a unique possibility to develop your FAA Commercial Pilot experience through the standardization of your previous training and graduation of our accredited Professional Pilot Program by adding Certified Instructor License with all applicable ratings. Enrollment in this program make you eligible for F1 student visa status.
These courses bring you the highest level of professionalism, so you will be able to share your knowledge with other students and continuously improve your pilot and instructor skills in the professional background. It is not only the training, but it is also additional aviation profession plus the possibility to get your practical training in the United States for up to 2 years, gain practical experience in flight training, build 1500 hours for your future aviation career and be paid for hours of instructing you give to students or flying as commercial pilot, join US Regional airline for 1 year and may be even sponsored for the Type Rating, if you are qualified.
F1 Student Visa is the only type of student visa which gives you the possibility to have practical training in the United States after the successful graduation of your educational professional program. It means that after your Full Professional Pilot Program including CFI course and instructor ratings will be successfully completed, you can apply for practical training employment and upon approval start to build flight hours, getting skills and experience for your future professional career being officially paid as a flight instructor or pilot and building up to 1500 flight hours to meet ATP and airlines requirements, and even may be sponsored for the relevant type rating. When your program and OPT is finished you will have 60 days when you may transfer to another school or begin another program or go back to your home country to apply the received knowledge and develop your professional pilot career.
But please keep in mind that student should not arrive from overseas with the expectation of finding part-time work to supplement finance during their flight training, the US government requires each student to show sufficient funds to cover all costs during their studies before departing to attend the school.
The traditional approach for flight training at a Part 141 school is divided into one of two options: Train all pilots using your procedures and standards, or accept a variety of different training cultures and standards utilized were someone else trained. Training to Pelican’s standards allows us to better control the quality of our flight training. All activities at Pelican Flight Training are standardized in order to perform all maneuvers and procedures in the same and safest manner by instructors and students alike. This approach to standardization requires experienced instructors, and many other valuable resources.
Newly arriving students trained at another school can be best served by, initially standardizing those new students to Pelicans Flight Training procedures, performance and accreditation performance standards, thus optimizing overall required training time and at the same time maximizing use of all our training resources.
Full package will include standardization followed by CFI, CFII and MEI courses. After all training is successfully completed you are able to apply for a practical training supported by social security and working permit at the stage of approved OPT.
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Your full package will include at the beginning standardization part and SEL Add-On course to your FAA Commercial Licence to be able to start your CFI, CFII and MEI Courses. After all training is successfully completed you are able to apply for a practical training supported by social security and working permit at the stage of approved OPT.
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Full package will include standardization followed by CFI, CFII, then you have to pass MEl add-on course to be able to start Multi Engine Rating to your Flight Instructor Licence. After all training is successfully completed you are able to apply for a practical training supported by social security and working permit at the stage of approved OPT.
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Pelican Flight Training currently guarantees to its successful graduates, who have an 80%+ passing rate and all the check rides passed from the 1 attempt, at least 3 interviews for OPT employment (a subject for the governmental approval) with the following partnering employers:
We are not asking for payments upfront. You will start paying for training when your visa is approved and you arrived in USA.
Build 1500 hours airline hiring minimums.
Become a flight instructor and earn back up to $54,000
Pelican Flight Training currently guarantees to its successful graduates, who have an 80%+ passing rate and all the check rides passed from the 1 attempt, at least 3 interviews for OPT employment (a subject for the governmental approval) with the following partnering employers:
We will be happy to personally assist you in making decision for your future airline career by providing you with all the information you might need and providing answers to all of your questions. Please complete the form, and we will be in touch with you soon.