Our Team


Our management team has helped students from more than 80 countries become certified pilots and continue their careers as pilots with airlines all over the globe. Our responsibility is to make sure you have access to all the tools you need to excel as a pilot. Since 1984, we’ve helped U.S. citizens and International students achieve their dreams.


  • Dr. Ivans Kuznecovs - Chief Executive Officer / Academic Director
  • Vladimirs Karols - First Deputy COO.

THE board of management

  • Dr. Ivans Kuznecovs, sole and on behalf of RIA FD INTL LLC, Managing Member.
  • Michael Karol, Vice-President of Riga Aeronautical Institute
  • Thomas J. Palmieri Esq., Attorney at law

Pelican chief training personal

Our staff is built around each member’s real-world experience in the aviation industry. Because of that, we always train our instructors looking to increase their qualifications.

Combined, our managing staff boasts more than 200 years of aviation experience. Including extensive trans-oceanic flights for major United States, Asia, and other international carriers. With this depth of experience; we’re able to maintain an industry-leading student-to-flight instructor ratio as well as a flawless safety record.


Capt E. RAY POSS, PFT Chief Flight Instructor

Capt E. RAY POSS, PFT Chief Flight Instructor

He joined the Navy to become a Pilot after his high school prom in 1960. More than 59 years in aviation, 21200+ hrs as a pilot, 4000+ hrs as CFI, both Airplanes and Helicopters. He trained US Army pilots for Vietnam, served offshore Oil Platforms operations, flew for TV shows and legendary M*A*S*H, was Chief Pilot for the North Slope Search and Rescue, went on to train over 2000 Emergency Medical & Law Enforcement Pilots with Night Vision.

Capt TOM OLSEN, Chief Ground School Instructor Photo

Capt TOM OLSEN, Chief Ground School Instructor

A 53-year career as an Aviation Professional, with over 21,800 accident and violation free hours as a pilot. More than 11 years of operations management experience in positions such as Chief Pilot and higher. Also with 24 years of air carrier operations training experience, including 18 years as a flight and Simulator instructor and check airman in the L-188, DC-8, B-747 and MD-80.

GABRIEL RIBEIRO GARCIA, Assistant fixed wings Photo

GABRIEL RIBEIRO GARCIA, Assistant fixed wings

Alex Marshall, assistant helicopters Photo



Pelican students life

Request More Information

We will be happy to personally assist you in making decision for your future airline career by providing you with all the information you might need and providing answers to all of your questions. Please complete the form, and we will be in touch with you soon.

Application Form
Personal information
Additional information
Marital Status
Can you read, speak and understand English?
Do You Hold an FAA Pilot Certificate ?
Do You Hold an FAA Medical Certificate ?
When Would You Like to Start Training?
Choose the courses
  • Other
  • Other
YOUR Flight experience
Are they FAA?
Previous Flight Experience
Total PIC Solo
Cross Country
Single Engine
Multi Engine
Dual Given
Total flight hours
Upload documents
Copy of Passport
Add photos from your computer or drag them to this area
High School Diploma or higher level of education
Add photos from your computer or drag them to this area
Resume in English
Add photos from your computer or drag them to this area
Copy of your last page of the logbook
Add photos from your computer or drag them to this area
Proof of funds which indicates you have sufficient money to pay for all of your training and living expenses while in the United States.
Add photos from your computer or drag them to this area